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Public Lecture: Translating Science into Policy and Practice

September 27, 2022 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Kyambogo University is on September 27, 2022 set to host an online discussion on translating policy into practice.

The discussion is expected to attract researchers and lawmakers from across the globe.

The discussion will be hosted by the Vice Chancellor of Kyambogo University, Prof. Eli Katunguka. Some of the discussants will include Dr. Miria Matembe, a former Member of Parliament, Dr. Daniel Slunge and Prof. Sofia Boqvist from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Dr. Judith Irene Nagasha from Kyambogo University. The Director of Research and Graduating training at Kyambogo University, Prof. Bosco Bua is also expected to weigh in on the conversation on how research can be translated to policy.

The Public lecture follows a series of pieces of training for researchers on how to translate their research findings into policy.  With funding from Agriculture for Food Security (AgriFose 2030), Kyambogo University partnered with the University of Gothenburg in Sweden to offer this training. The exercise saw researchers for Kyambogo University, Makerere University and the University of Nairobi receive this training.

Research is imperative because new problems occur every day hence the need for implementable solutions and suggestions to tackle the new problems that arise and inform policy. Globally, today there is demand including in African countries for universities to carry out more relevant and impactful research which many are doing. However, while universities engage in impactful research, the major challenge has been how to translate their research findings into policy and practice. The practice has been designing and conducting quality research that is disseminated through peer-reviewed conference presentations and publications yet most times policy-makers and practitioners hardly attend these conferences and may never read the published findings. At the end of the day, research findings are not translated into policy and practice.

With the training, Kyambogo University sought to develop the skills of scientists to communicate their research findings to policymakers and leaders through stakeholder interaction and policy engagement activities. This course will enhance the skills of scientists and innovators to create opportunities for engagement between academic researchers and policymakers.

The 3-months course started on March 10, 2022, with the training of over 30 researchers from Kyambogo University, Makerere University, Nairobi University and the University of Gothenburg.    The training covers the following areas

  1. Research and policy linkages
  2. The role of research and researchers; opportunities for engagement
  3. Understanding the policy landscape
  4. Models and strategies for stakeholder interaction and policy engagement
  5. Tools for engagement; Science communication- policy briefs, press releases, elevator pitch, use of social media, stakeholder mapping.
  6. Planning for and measuring the impact of research on stakeholder interaction and policy engagement.

It is envisaged that the next training will involve more researchers within the country and the African continent.

Contact person

Judith Irene Natasha, Kyambogo University, judith.nagasha@gmail.com, +256 782321113


September 27, 2022
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Event Category:


Kyambogo Univeristy


Kyambogo University