Judith Irene Nagasha (PhD)

+256 782 321113 | +256 702 799070 – jnagasha@kyu.ac.ug  judith.nagasha@gmail.com



An organized team leader builds positive rapport, inspire trust and guide teams toward the achievement of organizational goals. Her areas of specialization and interest are; Food security, climate change, and natural resource management through the application of a gender lens. Currently, she coordinates the summer school of natural resource management, exchange students, and Masters of Development studies in the department. Judith is involved in development projects in the disciplines of food security-Gender perspectives in the livestock value chain, climate change, and water resource management. Findings from her research projects have been disseminated at the local community, and National and international platforms. Forward-thinking and innovative.


Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda                                                     05/2021

Doctor of Philosophy

  • Research Project Completed: Socio-economic effects of climate change among communities around Lake Mburo National Park, Isingiro and Kiruhura Districts, Uganda. A gender Perspective
  • Awarded Graduate Certificate of Doctor of Philosophy
  • Relevant certificates for post graduate cross-cutting courses awarded;
  • Certificate- Advanced Gender Research Methodology (School of Women and Gender studies- Makerere University, 2019)
  • Certificate- Advanced Research Methods- July, 2017-Makerere University
  • Certificate -Philosophy of Research Methods- June, 2017: -Makerere University
  • April, 2017: Council for the Advancement of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) PhD Mentorship Institute in Nairobi Kenya

University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway                                                  06/2007

Master of Development Management

  • Relevant Coursework Completed: Management in Development-theories and concepts, Current Development Issues, Environmental Issues, Culture and Ethics in development, Integrated environment, Development and Management for sustainability and  ICT in Development.

Makerere University, University, Uganda                                                     04/2005

Bachelor of Arts – Social Sciences

  • Social Administration- Major
  • Public Administration- Minor


  • Team Oversight
  • Project proposal writing
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Gender-responsive Research approaches
  • Collaboration
  • Younger research mentoring
  • Student career guidance
  • Analytical and Critical Thinking


Kyambobo University Staff Association

African Studies & Research Forum – Standing Committee on Projects

Council for the Advancement of Social Science Research in Africa -College of Mentors

Additional Information

Designed the Summer school for Natural Resources and Management, Kyambogo University under the Department of developed Studies and initiated international collaborations with Swedish University of Agricultural sciences, Sweden. Commit member of Global Lakes Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON).


Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda                                                     05/2021

Doctor of Philosophy

  • Research Project Completed: Socio-economic effects of climate change among communities around Lake Mburo National Park, Isingiro and Kiruhura Districts, Uganda. A gender Perspective
  • Awarded Graduate Certificate of Doctor of Philosophy
  • Relevant certificates for post graduate cross cutting courses awarded;
  • Certificate- Advanced Gender Research Methodology (School of Women and Gender studies- Makerere University, 2019)
  • Certificate- Advanced Research Methods- July, 2017-Makerere University
  • Certificate -Philosophy of Research Methods- June, 2017: -Makerere University
  • April, 2017: Council for the Advancement of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) PhD Mentorship Institute in Nairobi Kenya

University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway                                                  06/2007

Master of Development Management

  • Relevant Coursework Completed: Management in Development-theories and concepts, Current Development Issues, Environmental Issues, Culture and Ethics in development, Integrated environment, Development and Management for sustainability and  ICT in Development.

Makerere University, University, Uganda                                                     04/2005

Bachelor of Arts – Social Sciences

  • Social Administration- Major
  • Public Administration- Minor


  • Team Oversight
  • Project proposal writing
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Gender responsive Research approaches
  • Collaboration
  • Younger research mentoring
  • Student career guidance
  • Analytical and Critical Thinking


Kyambobo University Staff Association

African Studies & Research Forum – Standing Committee on Projects

Council for the Advancement of Social Science Research in Africa -College of Mentors

Additional Information

Designed the Summer school for Natural Resources and Management, Kyambogo University under the Department of developed Studies and initiated international collaborations with Swedish University of Agricultural sciences, Sweden. Commit member of Global Lakes Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON).

Work History

Lecturer |   Kyambogo University – Kampala, Uganda         07/2011 – to- date

2022-23 Principal Coordinator- Translating Science into Policy and Practice Capacity Building Project at Kyambogo University- A collaboration between, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Sweden and Kyambogo University, Uganda.

2022- October 2022: Researcher- Assessing the Impact of ticks, tick borne diseases, tsetse flies and trypanosomiasis among smallholder farmers in and around Queen Elizabeth National Park. In collaboration with college of Veterinary Medicine, Makerere University.


2021-2023: Principal investigator of “Gender based approaches for improving food safety value addition and marketing in livestock systems in western Uganda

2018-2020: Principal investigator: Gender and Milk Safety practices among smallholder farmers in Kiruhura district, Uganda. Paper under peer review: Indigenous Knowledge Practices on Milk Safety among Small holder farmers in Sanga Sub County, Kiruhura District Uganda. A Gendered centered assessment.

2019: Engaged in a systematic Review Coordinated by Agriculture for Food Security- Translating science into policy and practice (AgriFoSe2030; www.slu.se/AgriFoSe), Theme 4 (Gender & Livestock-keeping among smallholders for nutritious diet and increased food security) in collaboration with researchers at Swedish Agricultural Sciences University, Makerere University and the National University of Laos, on the role of women in livestock keeping.

Facilitator of Regional Training on Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture in partnership with HOPE (Household Opportunities for Poverty Eradication). Focusing on the Strategies against effects of Climate Change   with a target audience of four districts in Uganda.2015 January and February.


Field visits with students of Kyambogo University in the Albertine Graben: Discussing with communities about the importance of oil resource and how they should benefit as the surrounding communities. June 2015.


Field Visits with my students (Kyambogo University). Engaging with communities around Budongo Forest National Park. Sensitizing communities about the effects of deforestation and sustainable development. July 2014.


Part of the Vulnerability Technical Work Group Leading the development of Vulnerability Index Uganda Context. In partnership with Ministry of Gender and Social Development, UNICEF, US government PEPFAR, and Vulnerability Technical work groups (OVC- TWG). January 2012.

Monitoring and Evaluation (2010 and 2011) – Part of the monitoring team in Primary and Secondary Schools in the North and Western Regions of Uganda, contracted by USAID-UNITY Project and Ministry of Education and Sports

Research Dissemination

Indigenous Knowledge Practices on Milk Safety among Small holder farmers in Sanga Sub County, Kiruhura District Uganda. A Gendered centered assessment at University of Pretoria, South Africa. July, 3-7th, 2022.


Socio-economic effects of climate change on the livelihoods of communities surrounding Lake Mburo National Park- Uganda- at the 23rd Annual conference of African Studies and research Forum held at North Carolina Central University, U.S.A, and March 28-30th, 2019.


Effect of climate change on Gender roles among communities surrounding Lake Mburo National Park. At the 42nd World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology (IIS) from 5-7th September, 2018. Wits University, South Africa.


Presented a paper on:  indigenous exchange in training and capacity development in the international conference on Gender, research, discovery and innovation conference from 15 – 19, October 2018, University of Arizona U.SA.


Climate Change Attitudes and Adaptation of Communities around Lake Mburo National Park in Uganda: A Gender-centered Analysis” for presentation at the 22nd Annual Conference of the ASRF to be convened at the University of West Georgia, Carrollton, Georgia, from March 29 to 31, 2018.


ICCS5 the international conference on climate services: Innovation in climate services and capacity building. February 28th-march 2, 2017: Cape Town, South Africa.Work shop of Africa-EU Climate Change Research Platform: strengthening research capacities for the uptake of sustainable agriculture intensification.  Accra, 21-23 November 2016,


3rd International Interdisciplinary Conference (IIC3-2016, 7-9 September): Paper: Integrating Local Communities into the new challenges of climate change adaptation for National park Conservation in Uganda. Eldoret, Kenya.


EARIMA Conference 28th-31st August, 2016; Promoting Sustainable Development Goals through Research and Innovation; Paper; Enhancing the East African Community Inter-University Climate Change Policy and Research Information Dissemination to Achieve SDG % in the Sub-Region by 2030. Kampala, Uganda.


The international Integrating symposium on indigenous Knowledge systems and public Health Care in Eastern and southern Africa-25-26 April 2016: Paper, Mainstreaming Gender Equality Public Communication Campaigns to to Combat Climate Change Impacts for Universal Public Health Care Equity in Africa, Kigali, Rwanda


3rd International conference on sustainable alternatives for poverty reduction and ecological justice (SAPREG-2016, April) in Uganda under the auspices of the world council of churches. Paper presentation on : Participation of the local community in conservation of national Parks. Evidence from Uganda. Kampala, Uganda.

Research Publications

Published articles

Wilson Mugizi and Judith Irene Nagasha,(2022) Students’ experiences using online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: The case of Kyambogo University, UgandaRoutledge/Taylor & Francis Group

NiringiyimanaJ., Kakuru,R. NagashaI.J., and Waribo-NayeI.O.(2021). Mandelaism. In Bangura, A.K. (ed.). AfricanIsms :Africa and the Globalized World. New York, NY: Peter Lang InternationalAcademicPublishers

Nagasha, JI Ocaido, M; and Kaase-Bwanga, E (2019) “Attitudes, Practices and Knowledge of Communities Towards Climate Change Around Lake Mburo National Park Uganda: A Gender Centered Analysis,” African Social Science Review: Vol.10: No. 1, Article 3. Available at: https://digitalscholarship.tsu.edu/assr/vol10/iss1/3


Nagasha JI, Mugisha L, Kaase-Bwanga E et al. Effect of climate change on gender roles among communities surrounding Lake Mburo National Park, Uganda [version 2; peer review: 3 approved, 1 approved with reservations] Emerald Open Research 2019, 1:7 (https://doi.org/10.12688/emeraldopenres.12953.2)First published: 18 Feb 2019, 1:7 (https://doi.org/10.12688/emeraldopenres.12953.1)


Nagasha, JI, Ocaido, M and Kaase-Bwanga, E (2019). Theoretical and Conceptual framework for gender analysis of attitudes and adaptation of mechanisms to Climate change for sustainable Livelihoods in Uganda. Journal of African Studies and Development. Vol. 11(4), pp. 51-57, June 2019 . DOI: 10.5897/JASD2019.0532. Article Number:592AA1861183. https://academicjournals.org/journal/JASD/article-abstract/592AA1861183


Nagasha, Judith Irene (2019). ‘Research Methodology: Knowledge Gained through Direct Experience’ in Bangura, A. K., Obando, J. A., Munene, I. I., and Shisanya, C. (2019). Conducting Research and Mentoring Studentsin Africa: CODESRIA College of Mentors Handbook, Dakar, Senegal: CODESRIA Publications, pp. 303-340.


 Manuscripts under review


Nagasha,JI., Kyazike, E., Asiimwe F., & Boqvist, S. (2022) Indigenous Knowledge Practices on Milk Safety among Small holder farmers in Sanga Sub County, Kiruhura District Uganda. A Gendered centered assessment

  1. Principal Coordinator- Translating Science into Policy and Practice Capacity Building Project at Kyambogo University- A collaboration between, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Sweden and Kyambogo University, Uganda. Read More
  2. Principal investigator of “Gender based approaches for improving food safety value addition and marketing in livestock systems in western Uganda  Read More
  3. New Study: How to Turn Uganda’s Milk into Cosmetics

The study: “Building Women’s Capacity on Milk Value Addition to Increase their Incomes,” is being conducted among rural women in the Kuruhura district by Dr. Judith Irene Nagasha as the Principal Investigator of Kyambogo University in Uganda. The others are; Prof. Michael Ocaido from the College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Bio-Security (CVAB), Makerere University as a Co-Principal Investigator and the implementing team of Florence Asiimwe Munyonyo, Jackline Mbambu, and Shadrach Natamaba.  Continue Reading